Abgeschickt von Dixon T.Nmah am 24 Maerz, 2004 um 13:16:41
Antwort auf: Re: Container und ...... von Dixon T.Nmah am 24 Maerz, 2004 um 13:13:46:
: : : Rear one,:: agree with Maxi.:
From own recommendation I CAN say that it is worth itself tons:
inquire calmly before the Haustuere with forwarding businesses.:
I sent everything away only on pallet luggage ton let and.
By: ship it continued tons go then tons of Toronto and
then by Truck ton of Calgary.: : : I personally
think that A container is worthwhile itself: only if one has
e.g. furniture thereby. If everything goes into:
cardboards, one knows A then quantity saving with
Palettenbepackung: : : As said @ however, one knows
the containers, thus one it: bought thus into the own guards ton
place. That set more however out,: one has its own
property with large guards: : WAD max: : :
: Rear Ted: : : I already wrote:
above that I at started from the proximity OF the Munich....::
: : The Sped. those means rem oval larva into the
Ruhr: district emergency wants surely act: : :
But let you simply: from Sped.`s different offers make:
: : Maxi